When Lady Madelyn is taken hostage by Baron Duncan of Wexton for a crime committed by her brother, the Baron finds himself falling in love with her sweet and loving nature.

Honor's Splendour is a 100% nostalgic read for me. I grew up an avid romance reader, but I rarely enjoyed historical romances (something I consider the bread and butter of the genre). Julie Garwood was the exception to that rule.* I found her romances to be utterly enchanting and charming. They are all rather similar - a beautiful and engaging woman; a proud and arrogant man; a charming and interesting setting; and a trove of supporting characters (with the occasional side romance) that make for a well-rounded story. I own most of her historical romances in paperback, but ended up buying a digital copy of this book because I read the cover off the paperback version. Yes, that's just how much I have re-read it. 

Madelyn and Duncan have excellent chemistry with some truly memorable sex scenes. They each bring something to their relationship, and it feels as natural as breathing when the two commit to each other. I also love how quickly the two confess their feelings to each other. Don't get me wrong, they do a fair amount of denying it (either to themselves, their loved ones, or each other), but they get to their feelings much quicker than most romance novels these days. Is it a perfect romance? No. It certainly has some outdated themes and tropes, but I honestly do not care. It's like mac and cheese or a batch of chocolate chip cookies to me - the perfect blend of comfort and enjoyment to keep me entertained for the rest of my life.

* I read that Julie Garwood passed away a week after re-reading this story. Talk about serendipitous. While I was not a fan of her contemporary romance, she will always have a place in my heart. 

Rating: ⭐⭐
Read if you like: ❤️ Historical romance | 🏰 Feudal England | 💛 Family-centric
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