The gang awakens the Raven King...or do they?
Steifvater crafted such an interesting world with such an interesting premise - what if you awaken a king, a king able to give you one wish? Each of the books developed the four main characters, and I think every character decided their one wish. So imagine my surprise upon finding her last book in the series to be so disappointing. The ending was such a let down in my opinion. (view spoiler) I guess you could say the "one wish" is answered, but not in the way I was expecting.

Let's talk romance. I felt the romance between Adam and Rowan could have been better developed. It felt very much like Blue and Gansey's romance - hastily thrown together. At least Blue and Gansey had some foreshadowing. I felt like Adam just ended up with Rowan because he was the only one of their group left.

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐
Read if you like: ✨ Magic system | ðŸ’– Slow burn romance | 🔎 Mystery
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