Game Review: Unpacking (2021)

in , , , by Leigha, November 25, 2022

A cute and cozy puzzle game where you discover information about the protagonist as you organize their moves to different locations.

Who knew one of my favorite games of all time would be about unpacking boxes at new houses ad nauseum? Not me, that's for sure! While the game itself is puzzle-centric as the player organizes items in new physical spaces, it's actually a quite character-driven story. The player becomes intimately familiar with the main character, watching her grow from a child to an adult. The changes in items over the years are subtle as some things disappear, while others become ragged with each unboxing. I can't help but think about my own life, and the things that have made it from one location to the next. The music is a quietly beautiful melody in the background of this unfolding life.

The game play itself is fun on the right platform. I had tons of fun playing it not once, but twice, on my computer. On the flip side, the Switch platform production was quite tedious. Hovering the tiny arrow over the items to move them was frustratingly hard despite me having completed the game twice. Additionally, it doesn't really have much replay value beyond the first two sessions. I do think this would be an amazing game for making multiple sequels featuring different protagonists.  

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Play if you like: 🧩 Puzzles | 🛏️ Cozy & Chill | 👤 Character Driven Stories
Find it: Steam | Switch

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