When high school junior Anora Sibly moves to a new school, she discovers the powers she has been hiding may have a bigger purpose than she realized.

While the me of ten years ago would have read this book in one sitting and promptly asked for more, I've drifted too far away from the YA shelf to really enjoy it now. The premise is promising, but it failed in its delivery. Few of the characters had interesting chemistry with each other (either as friend or foe), including the star crossed romance between Anora and Shy. Honestly, I wasn't the biggest fan of either main lead - Anora annoyed me to no end and Shy had little personality. The lackluster characters may have moved me toward a DNF, but the plot and setting kept me reading. Rarely does shifting POV's keep me invested, but it worked really well here. 

Rating: ⭐⭐
Read if you like: 🖤 Star-crossed lovers | 🏫 Boarding school | 🗺️ Mythology
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